Michelsanti D., Guichi Y., Ene A.D., Stef R., Nasrollahi K., Moeslund T.B.
12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. (VISAPP 2017)
Reducing the number of comparisons in automated fingerprint identification systems is essential when dealing with a large database. Fingerprint classification allows to achieve this goal by dividing fingerprints into several categories, but it presents still some challenges due to the large intra-class variations and the small inter-class variations. The vast majority of the previous methods uses global characteristics, in particular the orientation image, as features of a classifier. This makes the feature extraction stage highly dependent on preprocessing techniques and usually computationally expensive. In this work we evaluate the performance of two pre-trained convolutional neural networks fine-tuned on the NIST SD4 benchmark database. The obtained results show that this approach is comparable with other results in the literature, with the advantage of a fast feature extraction stage.